Medical research articles intimidate people because they are
geared towards a particular audience with an extensive vocabulary. Unfortunately, this audience is extremely narrow and many other people miss out on the amazing
breakthroughs in science. Also, since highly involved and interested groups are
usually the only financial backers there is limited funding for promising
research. What is needed is more exposure to the general public to create excitement.
So how could breakthroughs in research and science get to the general public in
a grand scale?
This is a Social Media Plan to increase awareness of recent
breakthroughs in spinal cord regeneration based primarily on the research
article “Effects of Lumbosacral Spinal Cord Epidural Stimulation for Standing
after Chronic Complete Paralysis in Humans” published just last year in 2015.
Making it into a video will make it more appealing to a
wider audience. By creating a documentary, many other things have gone viral
and spread through Netflix and other online movie sites.
Step 1: Hire someone to make a documentary of the people
involved in this research if they agree to and find a director with popularity
and large amounts of followers like Clint Eastwood (who has done some inspirational movies lately) or Angelina Jolie (who directed Unbroken).
Step 2: Make the documentary available on Netflix with one trailer and post on YouTube. By
releasing the video with few trailers and advertisements
it will allow for a natural growth of the viral event.
Step 3: create a catchy slogan that’s simple enough be
reused and repeated by WOM
like #StandingHope and have the director tweet it or post on Facebook with
message “Complete Paralysis isn’t the end.”
Step 4: Advertise the movie to interest groups
become involved, have them share, retweet the directors post or their own with
the hashtag. The largest and most celebrated being the Paralympic community,
would be perfect for this event.
This will help more people become interested in the movie on Netflix.
Step 5: The Paralympics in 2020 would be the perfect time to have
special viewing events after the movie is launched on Netflix and advertisements on t.v. and Facebook during both the Paralympics and Olympics. This will
create more hype and many people will spread the news again by WOM. By
combining a natural event with a promoted one it is expected that the viral
event will reach a large amount of target audience and last a long time.
Make sure you check out my classmates projects: Amy and Ammon
“Going Viral” events “…can help bring people together of common interests,
purposes and actions.” By reaching out to one interest group, creating a
movement, others will latch on to the “bandwagon” and the event will reach a wider